If you're a single mom that is struggling financially, living from paycheck to paycheck and believe that you have no control over your financial future, you are probably evaluating credit options and seeking relief. You might have even considered transferring your balances to another credit card or taking out a home equity loan.
Although these may be viable options for some, if you're a single mother that has bad credit, you might find that these options are not available. After all, traditional banks, loan institutions, and credit card companies typically frown upon giving credit to people with bad credit. In addition, you may find that financial aid opportunities like grants and hardship aid is difficult to find.
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So, before you borrow money from friends or enlist the help of a shady loan sharks or car title or payday loan provider, you should consider acquiring bad credit loans. In fact, many moms have successfully used these types of loans as a tool toward achieving financial freedom. In this brief article, we will discuss your bad credit loan options and offer some practical tips for improving you and your family's financial future.
1. First, you must be aware of the amount of money that you need in order to get yourself out of the financial crunch. To determine this, you must take careful inventory of your current income, expenses and debt. Then, you'll see how much money you need and will have a better idea of how much you need to cover any deficits.
2. Next, you should evaluate the types of bad credit loans that are available to single moms like you. For instance, many private institutions provide bad credit loans. To find such loans, do a search for "bad credit loans for single moms" or simply "bad credit loans." By doing this, you'll likely come up with a myriad of lenders that offer loans for people with bad credit.
3. You'll then need to evaluate and shortlist your prospects. To do so, you'll need to evaluate the terms of the loan. For instance, you should pay close attention to the interest rate, prepayment conditions, monthly payment requirements, how money will be dispersed, if collateral is required, etc. Next, you need to carefully evaluate all of lender's terms and then pick the best offer for you.
4. Once you settle on a prospect, contact the Better Business Bureau to ensure that no complaints have been filed against your prospective lender. If everything is clear, apply and review all paperwork. Make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of the loan. In fact, you should also ask someone you trust to carefully review the bad credit loan terms as well. This way, you'll make sure that you're clear about your obligations before you sign on the dotted line. After all, you don't want any surprises once you're already locked into the lender's contract.
Now that we've discussed how to find loans for people with bad credit, we'll discuss some tips to help you improve your financial condition.
1. Be very diligent about your budget. After you acquire your loan, do your best to live within your means so that you don't rack up more debt. This will ensure that you don't find yourself in this type of financial predicament in the future. To assist you, save some money, say $500.00, and put it into an emergency savings account that you only use for true emergencies.
2. Cut back. Cut back on living expenses and/or find a part time position so that you can pay more than the minimum on your bad credit loan. This will help your accelerate payments so that you don't have to pay an excessive amount of interest. In addition, this will improve your standing with the credit agencies because you'll establish a reputation for paying your bills on time.
3. Be optimistic. Realize that this temporary financial setback does not make you a bad person. Instead it is an experience and will enable you to make better financial decisions in the future.
In conclusion, it can be extremely scary and frustrating if you're a single mom with bad credit. However, with a bit of creativity and diligence, you can find a bad credit loan. You can use the money to take control of your financial situation and will be closer toward your financial freedom and debt-free goals.